Friday 30 August 2013

A Little Introduction

Hello everyone thanks for taking a second to check out my blog! I just wanted to start by telling you all a little bit about myself! My name is Kim Halcro (as you might have guessed) I have been married to the love of my life, Aaron, for almost 2 1/2 years and I am a stay-at-home mom to the most beautiful, fun, hilarious 14 1/2 month old little girl;  Delainey. She took over #1 spot in my heart on June 15th, 2012 when she made her apperance into this world 5 weeks early! It was a bit of a rough start spending 18 days in the NICU but she is healthy as can be and we are loving life being her parents! We currently live in Abbotsford, BC and love to explore the outdoors together. Delainey is actually the reason I took up photography. A few months after she was born I begged my husband Aaron to let me get a "nice" camera so I could document every precious moment we had together, and thankfully he let me! I fell in love with the art of photography and I feel very privileged to be able to make time stand still for just a second and capture the special moments for everyone around me! Thanks for stopping by and bare with me as I try and figure out this blogging thing!

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